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Use Our Intel Surpasses 1 Million Newsletter Subscribers Across 10 Industry Publications

Use Our Intel surpasses 1 million newsletter subscribers across 10 industry publications. Most of the growth comes from our flagship publication, Global Health News Wire, which has experienced 45% growth in newsletter subscriptions from June 2020. The Covid-19 pandemic has led both healthcare professionals and the general public to seek out factual, science-based news on the CoronaVirus, vaccines, and guidance on navigating healthcare during the pandemic.

While many news publications reached audiences via social media during the height of the pandemic, Global Health News Wire relied on its subscription-based daily newsletter to keep readers abreast. “Health advisory notices are ever changing during a pandemic, it is therefore paramount that we publish news and alerts that have been researched and delivered to an audience that is consistently reachable, especially when advisory notices change and policies are frequently updated. While social media is a quick way to reach the general population, the medium leaves room for misinterpretation of news and it is challenging to establish context in 280 characters,” says David Bain, Editor of Global Health News Wire.

The oldest publication under the Use Our Intel umbrella, Homeland Security News Wire, launched in 2005, has also experienced growth in subscriptions. Recently, the publication has added in-depth coverage of information warfare and the weaponization of information, election security, and the role of bots and trolls as elements in hybrid warfare strategies and influence campaigns.

CONTACT Susan Kemp Marketing Communications Use Our Intel


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